
By Cody


C/C++ Vs JavaScript

C/C++: Preprocessor > Compiler > Assembler > Linker

JavaScript: Lexer > Parser > Translator > Interpreter

Things that slow down JavaScript

  • Boxing
  • Automated garbage collection
  • JIT compilation and runtime type checks
  • Flexible memory layout

How about ignoring these steps ?

Yes! AOT compilation!

BUT! How?

Here comes asm.js

An extraordinarily optimizable, low-level subset of JavaScript.

Game / Video / Image decoders

Works to make Web run like Native

  • NPAPI(1995-2015) - PDF documents
  • ActiveX(1996-2015) - Document embedding
  • Shockwave/Flash(1996-?) - Animations
  • Java Applets(1996-?) - Applications
  • JavaScript performance wars(2008)
  • Native Client / Portable Native Client(2008/2013)
  • Emscripten / asm.js(2010/2013)
  • WebAssmbly(2015)


  function DiagModule(stdlib) {
    "use asm";
    var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt;
    function square(x) {
      x = +x;
      return +(x*x);
    function diag(x, y) {
      x = +x;
      y = +y;
      return +sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
    return { diag: diag };

  // Browsers: this === window
  var fast = DiagModule(this);   // link the module
  console.log(fast.diag(3, 4));  // 5

Module structure

  function MyAsmModule(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
    "use asm";  // marks this function as an asm.js module
    // module body:
    function f1(...) { ... }
    function f2(...) { ... }
    // ...
    return {
      export1: f1,
      export2: f2,
      // ...

stdlib: a standard library object, providing access to (a subset of) the standard library.

foreign: a foreign function interface (FFI) providing access to arbitrary external JavaScript functions.

heap: a heap buffer, an instance of ArrayBuffer that acts as the asm.js heap.

Standard library

  • Global double values: Infinity, NaN
  • Double functions: Math.ceil, Math.floor, Math.sqrt ...
  • Integer or double function: Math.abs ...
  • Integer function (ES6): Math.imul (integer multiplication)
  • Double values: Math.E, Math.LOG2E, Math.PI ...

Static typing

Via its initializer

  var a = 0;    // a has type int
  var b = 0.0;  // b has type double

Via type annotations

  function foo(x, y) {
    var x = x|0;   // x has type int
    var y = +y;    // y has type double
    return +(x * y);   // function returns a double

Advantages of asm.js

  • Interacts well with JavaScript (not like NaCl/PNaCl)
  • Backward compatible with all existing JavaScript engines

But it's impossible for hand writing in complex projects

In the real world, it's like this:

Tips: Emscripten does all these.


  #include <stdio.h>
  int fib(int x) {
    if (x < 2) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);
  int main() {
    int result = fib(45);
    printf("%d\n", result);
    return 1;

  ./emcc -O1 -s ASM_JS=1 ./hello_world.cpp

  node ./a.out.js

Build emscripten by self...

Can I use

Languages to languages


  divisible = 3

  divisibleReporter = (lastFound, nextDivisible) ->
    "Found: #{lastFound}, Next: #{nextDivisible}"

  divisibleKeeper = ((divisible) ->
    lastFound = 0
    nextDivisible = divisible
    (number) ->
      if (number >= nextDivisible) 
        nextDivisible = (Math.floor(number/divisible) + 1) * divisible
        lastFound = Math.floor(number/divisible) * divisible
        console.log divisibleReporter(lastFound, nextDivisible)

  for n in [1..100]


  var divisible = 3;

  var divisibleReporter = function(lastFound:number, nextDivisible:number){
    return "Found: " + lastFound + ", Next: " + nextDivisible;

  var divisibleKeeper = (function(divisible:number) {
    var lastFound = 0;
    var nextDivisible = divisible;
    return function(number:number) {
      if (number >= nextDivisible) {
        nextDivisible = (Math.floor(number / divisible) + 1) * divisible;
        lastFound = Math.floor(number / divisible) * divisible;
        console.log(divisibleReporter(lastFound, nextDivisible));

  for (var i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {


  int divisible = 3;

  String divisibleReporter(int lastFound, int nextDivisible) => "Found: ${lastFound}, Next: ${nextDivisible}";

  var divisibleKeeper = ((int divisible) {
    int lastFound = 0;
    int nextDivisible = divisible;
    return (int number){
      if (number >= nextDivisible) {
        nextDivisible = ((number/divisible).floor() + 1) * divisible;
        lastFound = (number/divisible).floor() * divisible;
        print(divisibleReporter(lastFound, nextDivisible));

  void main() {  
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


  public class ButtonExample implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {
      // Make a new button that does something when you click it.
      Button b = new Button("Jump!", new ClickHandler() {
        public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
          Window.alert("How high?");

      // Add it to the root panel.

Why asm.js is not enough?

Currently ONLY Firefox and Edge support this

The asm.js is still JS, ONLY saving time during interpretion

Hard to debug


WebAssembly or wasm is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

others said...

WebAssembly is (roughly) a binary format for delivering asm.js code.


  • Efficient and fast
  • Safe
  • Open and debggable
  • Part of the open web platform

WASM does not replace JS

Text Format

The text format is equivalent and isomorphic to the binary format.

Binary Encoding

C++ > Emscripten > asm.js

asm.js > ... > WebAssembly

Here comes Binaryen

The Binaryen shell, which can load a WebAssembly module, transform it, execute it in an interpreter, print it, etc.

Tool pack: asm2wasm / wasm2asm / s2wasm / wasm.js

The End

Thank you :-)


  1. http://www.2ality.com/2015/06/web-assembly.html
  2. https://medium.com/javascript-scene/what-is-webassembly-the-dawn-of-a-new-era-61256ec5a8f6#.5t42aln7o
  3. https://medium.com/javascript-scene/why-we-need-webassembly-an-interview-with-brendan-eich-7fb2a60b0723#.7d4tbmm9e
  4. http://www.2ality.com/2013/02/asm-js.html
  5. http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/
  6. http://kripken.github.io/mloc_emscripten_talk
  7. http://llvm.org/
  8. http://asmjs.org/spec/latest/
  9. http://asmjs.org/faq.html
  10. http://www.2ality.com/2013/02/asm-js.html
  11. http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/
  12. https://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-asm-js/
  13. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9071235
  14. http://mrale.ph/blog/2013/03/28/why-asmjs-bothers-me.html
  15. http://jlongster.com/Compiling-LLJS-to-asm.js,-Now-Available-
  16. https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-killers
  17. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/12/compiling-to-webassembly-its-happening/
  18. https://kripken.github.io/talks/wasm.html#/
  19. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/03/a-webassembly-milestone/
  20. https://webkit.org/status/#specification-webassembly
  21. https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/BinaryEncoding.md#module-structure
  22. https://blog.mozilla.org/luke/2014/01/14/asm-js-aot-compilation-and-startup-performance/#jit
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation
  24. http://gotocon.com/dl/goto-cph-2015/slides/NickBray_WebAssembly.pdf
  25. https://cdn.int64ago.org/5d3l4mep2408zvvj66iggb9.pdf
  26. https://www.infoq.com/news/2015/06/webassembly-wasm
  27. http://128bitstudios.com/2013/08/11/a-quick-look-at-coffeescript-typescript-and-dart/